Traditional Joinery Part 2; Project: June 2-6

Traditional Joinery Part 2

“The Project”


Dereck Glaser

Class runs: June 2-6

Tuition: $600

Material fee: $60

Skill level: Well Seasoned Beginner and up; minimum of NESM Joinery part 1 or equivalent

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      Let us keep moving forward with the knowledge gained from part one; the making of and using the tools of joinery: into a wonderful project; the “Occasional Table”.

     Somewhat simple but with plenty of area and space of creative expression and chances to design and elaborate on its many opportunities for joinery. By identifying our skills we will each individually design a table base (size determined by instructor) on paper, to scale, which we will then take to the forge shop to create.

    Several refresher demonstrations and further lessons will spawn the motivation needed for students to forge tools and the parts needed to assemble a useful piece for their home or garden. Knowledge of basic joinery is expected as a prerequisite or the NESM Joinery Part 1.

      Further development of various joinery methods will be discussed and demonstrated throughout the course. The basic skills acquired will allow students to build architectural work as well as other various projects in the future.



poi tbls

We will be conducting individual design based on each students skill level. Utilizing joinery methods and tooling they are comfortable with to achieve a piece they will be proud of, therefore I will not be posting an image of something I have done. For inspiration, an amazing number of images can be found through Pinterest or Goggle.

                              Check out images of last years course

Dereck has been blacksmithing full and/or part time since 1985. Educated as an old-school hands on Industrial Arts teacher as well as running his own business, Dereck has had the opportunities to be exposed and work with dozens of blacksmiths in several areas of study. Upon finishing a six year Jourenymenship, working in and for several shops between Ohio and New Jersey, Dereck finally found his place in Maine and in a roundabout of events helped found the New England School of Metalwork in 2000. While also maintaining a home/shop business Dereck has directed all power to the forward shields; building the school and the community which supports the school to foster and strengthen the future of Blacksmithing.

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