Forged EDC Knife with Sheath
Isaiah Washington
Class runs: August 24-26
Tuition: $450
Material fee: $65
Skill level: Beginner and up
2 spaces left as of 8/12
In this comprehensive 3 day workshop students will be forging and finishing a handy fixed blade for “Every Day Carry” This knife will be more compact than the knife made in our hunting knife class. Each student can expect to make one full tang knife out of 1084 high carbon steel with an exotic wood or phenolic laminate handle. All aspects of knifemaking will be covered including but not limited to forging, grinding, heat treating, finishing and sharpening.
To put the “C” in EDC we will be making a molded thermoplastic sheath to go with it. This would be a great class for students who have never don’t this type of work before and want to make a tool they can use “Every Day”.