Driving Directions

7 Albiston Way  (formerly Adams St. )

Auburn ME 


Campus Map


Driving Directions from Portland Jetport  (PWM)

Same as below, from the airport follow the signs to the Maine Turnpike, we are located about 45 minutes from the Jetport.

From the Maine Turnpike take the Auburn Exit # 75, formerly exit 12 .

At the end of the exit, at the traffic light turn left onto US -202 / Washington St.

Drive approximately 4.8 miles on Washington Street .

Take a right turn on Albiston Way (formerly Adams St.) We are a glass faced building with a large ornate sign above.

The Blacksmith shop is on the left at the top of a knoll opposite a parking lot and the welding shop and Dorm/Office building are to the right up a driveway, next to each other. Each building has a sign on it describing what it is. Please DO NOT park south of our Dorm Building (Student Parking) as it is MaineOxy property. You MAY park anywhere between the Dorm/Office building and the Blacksmith Shop (See Campus Map)

Campus Map

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