Phone & Address

Metalsmithing (Blacksmithing and Bladesmithing) Program Questions:

Administrative Director / Program Director / VA SCO and Blacksmithing Instructor

Call Dereck Glaser 207-777-3375

OR Email

Welding Program Questions:

Welding Program Director and Night Welding Instructor

Call Quinn Gerrish 207-753-1360

OR Email Quinn:

New England School of Metalwork Physical Locations

Weld Shop                          Blacksmith Shop                      Dorm/Classroom                 Corporate Offices
7 Albiston Way                  54 Washington St.                   86  Washington St.                7 Albiston Way
Auburn, ME                       Auburn, ME                                Auburn, ME                            Auburn,  ME
04210                                    04210                                           04210                                      04210

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