Pre-requisite: INTRO FCAW

This course prepares a student for the AWS limited and unlimited structural plate certification tests. Instruction consists of coupon preparation, welding technique, and troubleshooting for the vertical and overhead tests. The below tuition DOES NOT include the test fee. Eligibility to test is determined during the class based on progress.

Students enrolling in this course MUST have completed Intro FCAW OR have the equivalent experience as confirmed by instructor, Call to inquire, 207-753-1360.

Each student will follow the requirements of AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code – Steel and practice on 3/8 test coupons . 

To keep costs down, we require that all night students supply their own basic protective equipment – welding helmet, jacket, gloves, safety glasses.

TUITION/FEES: $530.00 ($500.00 tuition plus $30.00 registration fee). Tuition includes instruction and all materials. Full payment is due at the time of enrollment.

TESTING FEES: AWS D 1.1 in 3/8″ – $325   in 1″ Unlimited – $375

OPTIONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT PACKAGES – choose these options below at check out time.

Basic Package: Includes standard flip up shaded glass welding helmet, cotton welding jacket, gloves, safety glasses and beanie. $80.00

Upgraded Package: Includes auto-darkening welding helmet, leather sleeved cotton welding jacket, gloves, safety glasses, and beanie. $150.00

Click on the date below  to ENROLL NOW

2025 Night Welding Class Schedule

Monday and Wednesday Nights, 6-9pm

Session 1 January 6 through 29

Session 2 February 3 through 26

Session 3 March 3 through 26

Session 4 April 7 through 30

Session 5 May 5 through 28 

Session 6 June 2 through 25

Session 7 July 7 through 30

Session 8 August 4 through 27

Session 9 September 2 through 24

Session 10 October 6 through 29

Session 11 November 3 through 26

Session 12 December 1 through 23

Click on the date to ENROLL

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