MIG Master Class


Classes run – 9am – 3:30pm Monday thru Friday

Break at 11am – 11:15am

Lunch at 1pm – 1:30pm

Skill level: Beginner and UP

Tuition: $2,500

2025 Classes run – Click date below to enroll

February 3 – 21

March 3 – 21

May 5 – 23

June 2 – 20

August 4 – 22

September 8 – 26

November 3 – 21

December 4 – 24

The intent of this class is to take the novice MIG welder and show them the skills it takes to become an AWS certified welder. This course is designed in response to our societies current economic and job dilemma, this intense and affordable course will strengthen your job skills. This course will ONLY be covered in steel, no stainless or aluminum will be covered.

  WEEK ONE – In the first week of class we will cover:

Welding safety

Proper welding terminology

How to set up and maintain welding equipment

Filler metal and gas use

Welding in the GMAW process in all modes of transfer (short circuit, globular, spray arc and pulse spray arc.) in all applicable positions.

WEEK TWO – In week two we will cover:

AWS certification

FCAW basics

Filler metal and gases

Welding in the FCAW process

Cladding welds in all positions

Fillet welds in all positions

WEEK THREE – In week three we will cover:

AWS D1.1 code

FCAW groove welds

Mock weld test

Test prep

AWS test on last day. We are ONLY offering an AWS Certification test as a part of this special class.

List of what is included in the cost of class

  1. 1 book GMAW
  2. 1 book FCAW
  3. 1 welding hood
  4. 1 welding jacket
  5. 1 beanie
  6. 1 pr safety glasses
  7. 1 pr of welding gloves
  8. 1 AWS test

Over a $500 value

List of what students need to supply

  1. Long sleeve shirt (100% cotton or FR)
  2. Long pants (100% cotton or FR)
  3. Boots (leather above ankle)

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