ABS Certified; Handles and Guards
ABS Master Bladesmith Timothy Potier
Class runs: June 16-20
Tuition: $700
Material fee: $60
Skill level: Seasoned Beginner, must!! bring finished blades to use in this class.
Heat Source: NO Forging in this course
Class limited to 6 students
An ABS approved workshop, this class will take your fit and finish to the next level.
Because of the nature of this workshop there is a prerequisite of our Intermediate Bladesmithing class or a few years of knife making towards a Journeyman preparation skill level.
Students must provide finished blades of full and hidden tang construction. Blades should be heat treated and polished, full tangs flattened and tang shoulders finish filed. All knives must be approved in advance by the instructor so a list of materials and necessary tools can be gathered beforehand.
From drawing and design to file work, liners, bolsters, pin varieties, finishing, spacers.
This course is perfect for Apprentice Smiths on the path to Journeyman or Intermediate Smiths interested in varying techniques of constructions or the refinement of basic techniques.
Contact Tim Potier , tpotier@hotmail.com directly to review your blades well prior to class !
See Highlights of last years Course