Advanced Mosaic Damascus: November 14-18

Advanced Mosaic Damascus


Jason Morrissey

Class runs: November 14 -18

Tuition: $700

Material fee: $200

Skill level: Intermediate and up, significant basic Damascus skill required

Click here to ENROLL NOW

FULL as of 10/27, please click ENROLL NOW to join the wait list

In this workshop Jay will be guiding students through his well known mosaic Damascus pattern. This is a workshop that would be perfect for any student who feels comfortable with basic ladder, raindrop and twist patterns and wants to take their pattern welding to the next level.

Every aspect of making mosaic pattered material will be covered, from material selection to planning how to best utilize this material in a finished blade. There will be an opportunity to experiment and achieve different results using the same basic process.

This is not a beginner pattern welding class. Students should be comfortable with making Damascus and be familiar with power hammers, presses and shop tools.


















***  The minimum prerequisite is our 3 day basic Damascus workshop.


                            Follow Jay on Instagram   

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